Jan 29, 2010

Musical connections of The Catcher in the Rye

I don´t think you´ve read The Catcher in the Rye, but maybe the translation in your language (El Guardián en el Centeno) which you can find in our library in the Fernando Esquío. In any case, its author, american JD Salinger, died wednesday at 91, after a very private life
J.D. Salinger

J.D. Salinger probably wouldn't want you to read this.He denounced publishing, refused interviews and declined Hollywood's advances to turn his seminal novel of alienation, hunting caps and phonies into a movie.

Salinger's signature novel was published in 1951. The story of Holden Caufield would go on to influence a library's worth of loner tales, and, more darkly, prove a touchstone for John Lennon assassin Mark David Chapman and would-be President Ronald Reagan assassin John Hinckley Jr.

Here are some music videos connected to his work

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